Thursday, February 2, 2012


Strategic roadmapping: research, practice and future development

Strategic Roadmapping is an outstanding strategic planning tool for company top-level management team that guides company to co-ordinate strategy, market, product, and resource. It has incorporated the core concepts of strategic charting, visualization, technology road-mapping and resource-based view into practice. Strategic roadmapping brings together various strategic perspectives that are crucial for delivering sustainable value to business. Strategic roadmaps form a key part of strategy documents by displaying key goals, resources and actions, and supporting coordination and mutual understanding. The technique is flexible, and can be adapted to suit the particular needs from individual firm to industry. Its application is wide from MNC to government agencies such as ABB, Caterpillar, Crown, Microsoft, Royal Mail, UK Ministry of Defence and Department of Transport (Rail Industry Strategy), and Kazakhstan Government. The purpose of this talk is to provide both practitioners and academics with an introduction to the concept and practice of strategic roadmapping.

Content / Objective
1.Introduction to theory and core concept of strategic roadmapping
2.Current research in strategic roadmapping
3.Practices, examples and benefits of strategic roadmapping
4.Future development and research opportunities in strategic roadmapping

Administrative Details

Date:31 March 2012
Venue:Malaysian Institute of Management
Management House
227 Jalan Ampang
50450 Kuala Lumpur

Fees:MIM Members (Free)
Non-Members (RM50.00)


Dr. Yee received his BMechEng from UTM, Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing from University of Wales, MBA from Heriot-Watt University, and PhD from Cambridge University. He has 17 years of experiences in industry, research, and consultation. He spent 7 years in heavy equipment industry, 4 years trained at Cambridge University in strategic management, roadmapping, performance measurement, and 6 years in research and consultation. He involved in many industrial workshops at Cambridge. He specializes in the development of management tools for companies.