Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Scientific Research

Doing Practical and Conceptual Research

Practical research

The field of Management is undergoing a fundamental change from focusing on operational level to strategy level of the manufacturing and service activities. The recognition of effective management of a company’s businesses from the strategy perspective has led to a greatly increased interest, both academic and managerial, in concepts from theory, which might be applied in practice. The centre’s main research activities are conducted in collaboration with the industrial partners with the intention of providing practical solutions.

Conceptual research
The centre aims to develop an appropriate debate and to assist managers in meeting the challenges in today’s global environment. Thus, we believe it is necessary to conduct research that is not immediately linked to commercial practicality: theory building. Such research is typically conducted in collaboration with industrial partners. Sometimes, such research must be done without the constraints of immediate practicality. In addition, the centre will also focus on the most recent research trend and especially in rapidly developing areas such as technological innovations and supply networks. Such research will focus on contemporary management issues and to ensure that radical concepts are tested in the field with the industrialists and then debated in conferences with the academic communities.

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