Friday, April 2, 2010

Building World Class Research Centre

Research Centre - Building Block towards World Class University

The Center of Excellence for Research is an advanced management research center providing latest management knowledge for the manufacturing and service industry in local, regional and global contexts. The centre is part of Universiti Putra Malaysia; linking a team of multidisciplinary researchers from the Faculty of Economics and Management, Graduate School of Management, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, etc. The center has a wealth of expertise and experience in manufacturing and service management. It is unique in a sense that it particularly emphasise an integrated view of different functions of a business; linking strategic planning, design and engineering, manufacturing, human resource, distribution, marketing, and service; in both strategy and operational level of an organisation. It aims to be a leading academic research centre in its field, in a global context. It is specially formed to support industrial companies by providing a focus for both conceptual and practical research, a forum for industry-academic discussion, a professional interface with industry and a range of industrially related programmes and services such as workshops, training and consultations. It delivers a wide range of industry-based programme to enhance the performance of manufacturing and service businesses.

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